Thursday, April 28, 2011

2011 Summer Food Services Program


The Chicago Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS) is in preparationfor the 2011 Summer Food Service Program. This Program is funded by the UnitedStates Department of Agriculture (USDA) and administered by the Illinois StateBoard of Education (ISBE). DFSS serves as the sponsor for the City of Chicago.The Department encourages your organization to get involved this summer andbecome a summer food service program host site. As a host site, your agency will beable to receive free daily meals for children and teens up to the age of eighteen (18).All meals served meet USDA Nutritional Guidelines. The most common types ofDFSS host sites are the following:

• Open Sites —Any Child in the community may receive a mealwithout being enrolled in the program’s activities.

• Enrolled Sites — Children participate in the program’s activitiesand receive the meals• Camp Sites —Offers a regularly scheduled food service as part ofthe day camp program

In 2010, over 300 Summer Food Service Program sites participated in serving meals(breakfast, lunch, snack, and supper) throughout Chicago. This year our goal is tohave over 500 host sites operate the program and have more of them operate as“Open Sites” available to all hungry children, thereby reducing the number of hungrychildren in our poorest neighborhoods.

Children do not necessarily have to be enrolled in your program in order to receivethe free meal but they must eat the food on-site. We now have three area offices—North, South and West in order to make it easier for sites to handle the paperwork.Interested agencies may complete the attached application(s) and return it to:

Attn: Diamond Ingram
Summer Food Service Program
Department of Family and Support Services
4314 S. Cottage GroveChicago, IL 60653.

You may also fax the application to 312-745-3515 or 312-747-0490. If you have further questions, please contact our offices at 312-747-2020 or 312-747-2326

RFP's for Youth Ready Chicago Program Hubs

The Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS) is excited to announce the release of our Request for Proposals (RFP) for Youth Ready Chicago program hubs, a 2011 youth, wage- subsidized summer jobs program for youth 16 – 24.

Mayor Richard M. Daley has committed $1.4 million in parking meter infrastructure funds to support a subsidized summer jobs program by increasing the number of city-supported employment opportunities for Chicago youth.

Through this RFP, the program anticipates engaging approximately 600 Chicago youth between the ages of 16 and 24 in paid work experiences and career readiness skills. Programs can operate during a 6-10 week period between June 1 and December 31.
DFSS is seeking proposals from organizations with the qualifications and experience to rapidly implement the program during the summer of 2011. Respondents to the RFP should be capable of providing the following services: youth worker recruitment, program eligibility for youth participants, job/worksite development, job matching, youth training, adult supervision, data collection, payroll system administration (including the fiscal capacity to generate and distribute checks to all youth associated with the hub), worksite monitoring and overall program administration.

DFSS anticipates funding six to ten contracts for worksite hubs. Contract sizes are estimated to range between $210,000 - $400,000.
The RFP is available for download at our website at If you have any program-related questions about the RFP, please contact Mary Ellen Messner, 312-746-7447 or For all technical questions relating to the execution of the proposal, please contact Julia Talbot, 312-743-1679 or


RFP Released: April 7, 2011
RFP Pre-Proposal Conference: April 21, 2011
RFP Due: May 2, 2011
Award Notifications Made: May 16, 2011
Start Program: Rolling start dates between June and July, 2011

FREE Social Services Branding/Marketing Workshop

Youth Services Capacity Enhancement Program
Who Are You? Branding and Marketing Social Service Agencies
Where:Youth Network Council111 E. WackerSuite 325Chicago, IL 60601Driving Directions
When:Thursday May 19, 2011 from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM CDTAdd to my calendar

Dear Friend of YNC,
Registration for the free YSCEP training, "Who Are You? Branding and Marketing Social Service Agencies" is now open.

This three-hour training will help prepare staff from social service agencies to more effectively manage their organizations' branding and marketing initiatives. Register now to gain greater understanding of why branding is important and learn practical markeing strategies for effective marketing.

This training is being facilitated by Lisa Brenner, President of Bright Ideas.

Training will take place Wednesday, May 18, from 9:00am- 12:30pm at the following location;

Youth Network Council111 E. Wacker Dr., Suite 325Chicago, IL 60601
Get more information
Register Now!
I can't make it
Please note: Due to building security, phot identification is required.

Due to space limitations, we ask that you register no more than 2 individuals per agency.

If you have any questions about YSCEP or YNC, please contact us at 312.861.6600.


Tasha Robinson
Youth Network Council
Capacity Enhancement Program Coordinator

2011 CSBG Scholarship Info

The Department of Family and Support Services has released the 2011 CSBG Scholarship Application.

Applications are due June 8th. Anyone going to school full-time (degree, certificate, trade school) by September 15, 2011, has primary residence in Chicago, and meets income guidelines is eligible to apply.

See the flyer for more details

Little Black Pearl Presents:Summer Creativity Camp